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flowering Chinese cabbage 花白菜 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?菜心 文章详细信息 关键词: 菜心;;叶绿素;;提取;;稳定性 [gap=1471]Keywords: Flowering Chinese cabbage;Chlorophyll;Extraction;Stability 2 ?菜苔 广东省菜苔(菜心)育种研究进展_stmopen 关键词】: 菜苔(菜心) 育种 综述 [gap=638]Keywords】: Flowering Chinese cabbage,Breeding,Review 3 ?绿缘菜心 者: 中文名称: 绿缘菜心 英文名称: Flowering Chinese cabbage 商 标: 绿缘 产品特点:一、种植名优菜心品种,4-9月种植青梗柳叶早心,10月至翌年3月种植早熟、迟熟特青品种。二、菜心产品青梗柳叶有光泽、纤维少、味甜、
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Some goods, like English newspapers, keep the same price for years, but flowering Chinese cabbage can double and then halve in price in months. 一些产品,比如英文报纸,多年来都是同一个价格,但是带花的大白菜的价格在几个月内可能翻一番,接着又减半。 - 2
Single factor contrast pot experiment was carried out to study on the growth of flowering Chinese cabbage and cadmium accumulation in plant under different concentrations cadmium stress. 试验首先采用单因素对比盆栽试验,研究不同浓度镉胁迫下,菜心的生长情况及镉在菜心植株内的积累情况。 - 3
Some goods, like English newspapers, keep the same price for years, but Chinese flowering cabbage can double and then halve in price in months. 一些产品,比如英文报纸,多年来都保持着同一个价格,但是菜心的价格在几个月内可能翻一番,接着又减半。