n. 无所事事;漫无目的
n. 奉承;谄媚;恭维话
... 优雅生活 GTRACY 英伦情调 HANNAH 罗浮工匠 FLANERY ...
... 所属州: KY 名字: Flanery 姓: Liza ...
弗兰纳里 ; 肖恩 ; 肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里 ; 弗兰内利
Flanery depicts the insular, insecure society of his white South Africans without apology and without condemnation.
NEWYORKER: Unreconciled
But although Flanery, too, takes a dark view of history, and resists offering false comfort, his is a more capacious darkness.
"Other than McKenzie, we couldn't throw it in the ocean the first 15 minutes, yet we were still in the game, " Creighton coach Jim Flanery said.
WSJ: Creighton hangs on to defeat Syracuse 61-56