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1 ?黑喙 ... billed weight 提单上的重量 black-billed 黑喙 broad-billed 宽喙的 ...
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The Li men jostle to sell me supper, all of it live: white-breasted waterhens, little egrets, a black-crowned night heron and a spot-billed duck, the only duck where male and female look alike. 黎族人争相向我兜售晚餐,全部是活的:白胸苦恶鸟,小白鹭,黑冠夜鹭,斑嘴鸭,这是唯一一种雌雄看起来都很像的鸭子。 - 2
But as the afternoon wears on and the water retreats, a crowd of little birds arrives to feast in the shallows: short-billed dowitchers, Western sandpipers, a black-bellied plover. 但随着夜幕降临,潮水退去,一群小鸟在一处浅滩落下,尽情吃喝起来,有短嘴半蹼鹬,西部鹬黑腹缋。 - 3
Migratory waterbirds, from bar-headed geese to ruddy shelducks, crowd into Kaziranga wetlands over the winter with spot-billed pelicans and black-necked storks. 一些迁徙的水鸟,如斑头雁和红麻鸭,会涌进卡兹兰加的湿地,与这里的斑嘴鹈鹕和黑颈鹤等常驻鸟类一起度过整个冬季;