释义 |
1 ?渗出泉 ... filtrate 滤液 filtration spring 渗出泉 filtration velocity 过滤速度 ... 2 ?渗透泉 ... 渗透率 permeability 渗透泉 filtration spring 渗透水;饱和水 water of imbibition ...
- 1
As we all know, endless mountain spring water for thousands of years, clean and sweet, its purification and filtration can not be synthetic materials. 众所周知,高山泉水千百年来源源不断,洁净甘甜,其净化过滤绝非人工合成材料所能得。 - 2
Just pour tap water in the top and let it flow down through several layers of filtration to produce clean, fresh water like it's fresh from a spring! 仅仅依靠水的重力,让它流穿过多层过滤材料,就能生产清洁、健康、甘甜的新鲜水! - 3
The intensified filtration of air, water, etc. can remarkably prevent the contamination of natural spring water for drinking by mould, etc. in the course of production. 在饮用天然矿泉水(以下简称矿泉水)的生产过程中,采取强化空气过滤、水质过滤等一系列措施,在防止霉菌、放线菌及其孢子对矿泉水的污染方面取得了显著效果。