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1 ?外部价格 ... 外部点 External point 外部价格 External prices 外部性 Externalities ...
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Higher prices, called price premiums, can be justified as a way to compensate farmers for providing ecosystem services and avoiding environmental damage or external costs. 更高的价格,亦称为价格溢价,可以作为补偿农民的一种措施,补偿其为提供生态系统服务、避免环境破坏或外部成本带来的损失。 - 2
Russia's credit boom is frightening, with lending up by 55% in the past year, but the economy is sheltered by large external and budget surpluses, thanks to high oil prices. 俄罗斯的信贷繁荣令人吃惊,去年增加了55%,但是其经济由于石油高价格形成的高额外部及预算的盈余而得到保护。 - 3
If external factors, specifically commodity prices, stabilize, then it is possible that the Bank’s gradualist strategy will work. 沃尔本说,“如果外部因素尤其是大宗商品价格企稳,那么巴西央行的渐进策略可能会奏效。