释义 |
- n.外化,外部化:将内部的想法、情感或行为表现出来的过程。
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经济学 外化 In this sense, firms can be viewed as the externalization of human capital. 从这种意义上讲,企业可以被理解为人力资本的外化。 (佣金)经纪人营业处外(即在证券交易所交易厅)(上市)股票买卖方式 (与internalization 相对)[亦作 externization]
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法学 外在化 Like other law procedures, the bankruptcy proceedings pursues the procedure justice and interests as its basic values, which turns to be more externalization. 破产程序与其他法律程序一样,其追求的基本价值也是程序公正和程序效益,并且其追求更加外在化。 其功能也与其目的结合密切,相映生辉。 外部性
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医药科学 客观化 The externalization of diagnosis in TCM has become a crucial task for the development and improvement of TCM. Therefore it is necessary to introduce modern scientific technology to the externalization of diagnosis and treatment in TCM. 中医诊断的客观化已成为中医学发展和提高的一项重要任务,因此将现代科学技术导入中医诊疗的客观化研究十分必要。
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文学 外化 Such friction is the externalization of power relations between two different social groups ideologically. 从意识形态的范畴来看,这一冲突是两个不同社会群体之间权力关系的外化。