多基准 在 航空航天科学与工程 分类中 的翻译结果 --cnki翻译助手 域增强系统(L oca l A rea A ugm en ta tion System,LAA S)是美国联邦航空局(F ed era l A v ia tion A d-m in istra tion,FAA)开发的G PS地基增强系统,支持G PS差分精密进近和着陆.多基准一致性检测是LAA S地面完好性监
The FederalAviationAdministration (FAA), the government agency that regulates civil aviation in the United States, announced new rules this month to combat pilot fatigue.
The FederalAviationAdministration has determined only that the object was not an aircraft.
The US FederalAviationAdministration forbids non-flight-related talk in the cockpit below 3000m.