An ErnstandYoung statement blamed Lehman's collapse on 'a series of unprecedented adverse events in the financial markets.
The GST could be the “single most important initiative in the fiscal history of India”, argue Satya Poddar of Ernst &Youngand Ehtisham Ahmad of the London School of Economics.
安永会计事务所的Satya Poddar和伦敦经济学院的Ehtisham Ahmad 认为,该消费税将是“印度财政历史上,史无前例的重要举措(原译:印度财政历史上独一无二的,最重要的第一步)”。
This would be a huge change to the business model of the “big four” audit firms: PwC, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst &Youngand KPMG.