fracture of lumbar vertebral body 腰椎体骨折; 腰椎椎体骨折 fracture of thoracic vertebral body 胸椎椎体骨折 ..
... 纤维性结构不良 fibrous dysplasia 腰椎体骨折fracture of lumbar vertebral body 椎体骨髓 bone marrow of vertebral body ...
Objectives. To describe a rare case of traumatic lumbar disc rupture into the dural sac associated with a mild vertebralbody compression fracture and review the pertinent medical literature.
Isthmic spondylolisthesis is a lumbar spinal condition in which a fractureof the isthmus causes one vertebralbody to slip forward on top of the vertebral body below it.
Conclusion. We report a rare case of traumatic lumbar disc rupture into the dural sac associated with a mild vertebralbody compression fracture.