... 戴德姆(Dedham) 福克斯巴勒(Foxborough) 霍尔布鲁克(Holbrook) ...
位于波士顿西南约50公里福克斯堡镇(Foxborough),它见证过美 式足球史上无数辉煌时刻,并且新的辉煌还将在这里继续上演。
The Patriots clobbered the Jets 45-3 in Foxborough on Dec. 6, the low point of the Jets' season.
WSJ: Folk's 32-Yard Field Goal Sends Jets Past Colts
That one reason is to win and bring a title back to Foxborough.
NPR: Six Days to the Super Bowl. Start Warming the TV
New York has already beaten the Patriots this season, up in Foxborough.
WSJ: Jason Gay: Are the Patriots Really Doomed?