释义 |
1 ?配置 ... Second:舒适 Third:储物 Fouth:配置 ... 2 ?在这里致谢 ... SECOND 原因是同伴游黄龙大叫脚痛 THIRD 理由是 穿着步天下店买的登山鞋 FOUTH 在这里致谢! ...
- 1
Fouth Step: paint whole colour. - 2
Fouth, remember pull up the Battery plug after use. - 3
The Fouth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day when the world declared in one voice. "We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight." 7月4日就将不仅仅是人们熟知的一个美国节日,而将成为这样一个日子,全世界用同一个声音宣布“我们不会就此无声无息的步入黑暗,我们不会就此放弃斗争而走向消亡。
1From variant of fulth, from Middle English fulthe, equivalent to full +? -th. FROM: wiktionary 2来自变体自fulth, 来自中世纪英语fulthe, 等价于full + -th. |