释义 |
- n.前学生,校友:曾经在某个学校或学院学习过的学生。
- 1
The statistics they produce, on measures such as how many ex-students are employed nine months after graduation, do not look so bad. But some frustrated young lawyers find them misleading. 他们提供一些衡量数据看起来也不那么坏,比如毕业后9个月找到工作的往届生数量,但一些备受挫折的年轻律师们发现数字误导了人们。 - 2
Plus, in some cases, students were already undergoing reappraisal success, which is neurological-speak for remembering the less convivial aspects of an ex — the first step in getting over him or her. 另外,在某些情况下,这些学生已经经历了“重新评价的成功”,这是一种神经学上的说法,意思是淡忘前男(女)友给他们带来的快乐——这是走出失恋阴影的第一步。 - 3
Plus, in some cases, students were already undergoing reappraisal success, which is neurological-speak for remembering the less convivial aspects of an ex - the first step in getting over him or her. 另外,在某些情况下,这些学生已经经历了“重新评价的成功”,这是一种神经学上的说法,意思是淡忘前男(女)友给他们带来的快乐——这是走出失恋阴影的第一步。