释义 |
1 ?胶片对比度 胶片对比度(film contrast) 射线对比度所表示的X线信息 影像,肉眼不能识别,只有通过某种介质的转换才能形成可见 影像。 2 ?底片对比率 ... contrast test 对比试验 film contrast 底片对比率 in contrast 与此相反 ...
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The 'Zodiac' crew, by contrast, sought to rethink and streamline the process. Right on the set, the digitized film went into a computer; after that, just a handful of people were involved. 《十二宫》剧组试图重新思考和简化流程,一开始就把数字化影片导入电脑,往后只需要少数几个人参与就行了。 - 2
In contrast to Sherlock Holmes, the ultimate detective, Lupin was an extreme version of the gentleman criminal, a popular character in fiction and film throughout the 20th century. 不同于福尔摩斯,这位天下第一侦探—罗苹,以绅士怪盗这个极为不同的造型,成为纵横20世纪小说界和影坛受欢迎的人物。 - 3
To stream a film via the Internet, in contrast, Netflix must strike an agreement with the studio or TV firm that owns it. 相比之下,如果Netflix要通过互联网来播放流媒体电影,则必须先和持有它的片场或电视公司签订协议。