The sculptures on National Agriculture Exhibition Hall's square are created under the state's control in later of 20c 50's. Though they have clear titles of Long Live of People Community Combined with Workers, Farmers, Soldiers, Students, and Merchants and Long Live of People Community Roundly Developing of Agriculture, Forestry, Herd, Parergon and Fishery, in fact they represent the cover-up topic of the agriculture foison of the new Republic of China.
全国农业展览馆广场上的两组雕塑是二十世纪五十年代末期在国家规定任务下完成的美术作品。 它们虽然有着《工农兵学商互相结合的人民公社万岁》和《农林牧副渔全面发展的人民公社万岁》的明确标题,但其最终要表现的却是新中国农业丰收的主题。