释义 |
brimstone 英/ ?br?mst??n / 美/ ?br?msto?n / 1 ?硫磺石 硫磺石(Brimstone):一颗核桃般大小,滚烫而冒着烟的石头出现在你的掌心。 2 ?硫黄石 ... brilliantyellow亮黄 brimstone硫黄石 brine盐水 ... 3 ?硫黄 ... brimmy有宽边的 brimstone硫黄 brimstony似硫黄的 ...
- 1
Poor lad, his diet is brimstone, now, and over hot for a delicate taste. - 2
"Brimstone and gall," thundered Hook, "what cozening is going on here!" - 3
"Brimstone and gall," the voice retorted, "say that again, and I'll cast anchor in you." “该死的,”那个声音反驳道,“你要是再说一遍,我把锚抛在你身上。”