释义 |
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Environmental factors - whether diet, infections or exposures - may influence how genes are expressed. 环境因素——无论是饮食,感染或者暴露——都会影响基因的表达。 - 2
As we gather information about maternal health, diet, behavior and environmental exposures, we're also getting biological samples, including blood and hair. 当我们收集关于产妇保健,饮食,行为和环境风险的信息的同时,我们也得到了血液,头发等生物样品。 - 3
Because twins share genes, but may have different exposures to environmental factors, studying twins allows an, "opportunity to control for genetic susceptibility." 由于双胞胎拥有相同的基因,但可能受到的环境因素的影响不同,因此研究双胞胎可以“对基因易感性加以控制。”