The stimulation is delivered by an attachable electricalunit designed to generate both the TENS and vibration stimuli while connected to the electrode.
通过可连接的电单元 传送刺激,所述电单元被设计成在与电极相连的同时产生TENS和振动 刺激。
This article mainly describes the cutting principle on mechanism, electricalunit and control for HERR-VOSS eccentric flying shears as well as its mechanical and electrical structural features.
主要介绍了H ERR - VO SS偏心式飞剪的机械、电气及控制的剪切原理,以及其在机械、电气方面的结构特点。
This measures the electrical activity of the wearer's brain, in much the same way as some machines used for medical and research proposes, and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed.