释义 |
- 选举办公室:负责组织和管理选举活动的政府机构或政治组织的办公室。
1 ?选举办事处 ... 起床,站起来,举办 get up 选举办事处 electoral office 经理部经理 manager of dept ...
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Moreover, said the judges, PdL representatives were required to have been at the electoral office when the deadline expired, and there was no proof they were. 此外,法官们还称,自由人民联盟的代表在截止日期过后本该出现在选举办公室里,但没有证据显示他们曾在过。 - 2
This is forbidden by the electoral code, which bans elected officials from changing affiliation while in office, but the law has thus far been enforced selectively. 这种行为是为选举法所禁止的,选举法禁止当选官员在其任上变换所属党派,但该法一直以来都是有选择性地被实施。 - 3
Electoral competition in Nigeria is fierce, as those holding political office have easy and unregulated access to vast pots of cash. 身居官位者可轻而易举获取大笔不义之财,并且逍遥法外,因此,竞选在尼日利亚那是相当的惨烈。