释义 |
1 ?选举调查委员 主题:政制及选举事务用词 c-d ... Electoral Affairs Commission (Registration of Electors) (Geographical Constituencies) (Legislative Council) Regulation [129 of 1997] 《选举管理委员会(选民登记)(地方选举)(立法会)规例》〔1997年第129号〕 Electoral Affairs Commission Secretariat 选举管理委员会秘书处 Electoral and Registration System [EARS] 选民登记计算机系统 ...
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Still, new election commissioners had been appointed earlier this month (the last lot had been arrested), and there seemed some prospect of holding fresh elections in November. 直到这个月的早些时候任命了新的选举委员会(最后多数被逮捕),确定在11月进行新的选举后国家好像才看到些希望。 - 2
With just a fortnight before the election, it is impossible for proper reform to take place, particularly as the only man with the power to hire and fire its commissioners is Mr Karzai himself. 在选举的两星期前,遵守规则的改造是不可能发生的,特别是那个有解职或雇佣权的人正是卡尔扎伊本人时。 - 3
Before the general election, the Conservatives espoused elected police commissioners, the Liberal Democrats elected police authorities; the bill is a reasonably amicable compromise. 在大选之前,保守党人拥护选举出的警务专员,自由党拥护当选的警察管理委员会,而新出台的法案则是二者之间一个良好的折中之计。