... 力平衡方程式 equation of forces 平衡方程式组equations of equilibrium 电桥平衡方程式 bridge balance equation ...
...ropy) (6)忽略岩体本身之彻体力(body force) (7)采用极座标(r , θ , z) (A)平衡方程式(Equations of Equilibrium): R r rz r r F r z r 1 r = σ ? σ + ? τ + θ τ + σ θ θ ? ? ? ? ? T r z r F r 2 z r 1 r = τ + ? ?τ + ?...
The equationsofequilibrium and kinematic relations are independent of the type of material .
Based on nonlinear theory for a bar, the equationsofequilibrium were derived with consideration of the nonlinear effects.
The differential equationsofequilibrium of the constrained rod are established taking Euler angles as variables to describe the attitude of the cross section.