释义 |
- 平等州(美国怀俄明州的别称,因该州首先给妇女参政权而得名)
1 ?平等州 ... 怀俄明(Wyoming): 平等州(Equality State) 华盛顿(Washington): ... 2 ?平等之州 怀俄明州State of Wyoming美国联邦州怀俄明州州旗 怀俄明州州徽州旗 州徽昵称:平等之州(Equality State)怀俄明州在美国的位 3 ?平等状态 Equality State ? 平等状态 another time five months ago,i happened to de upstairs at dusk when the window was open ? 另一个时间5个月前,我向德发生在... 4 ?平等国 ... Yes, there are many ? 不错,有很多 Equality State ? 平等国 comarde ? 正在翻译,请等待...
- 1
Below we consider a further reason behind Rawls's rejection of the state of nature: it does not adequately allow for impartial judgment and the equality of persons. 下面,我们考察暗藏于罗尔斯拒绝自然状态背后的进一步的原因:它并不足以包容公正的判断和人们之间的平等。 - 2
In 1779, as Virginia's governor, Thomas Jefferson had drafted a bill that guaranteed legal equality for citizens of all religions-including those of no religion-in the state. 到1779年,托马斯·杰弗逊出任佛吉尼亚州州长,他起草了一份法案用以保障该州所有宗教信仰人士(包括无宗教信仰人士)在法律面前的平等权利。 - 3
The New York state assembly approved the marriage equality bill, for the fourth time, last week and it is now up to the New York Senate. 上周纽约州众议院已经第四次审议婚姻平等法案,现在轮到纽约参议院了。