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彼此相等 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?彼此相等 通讯行业专业英语词汇(6)-英语学习-食品伙伴网 Szh PowerPC ... 均方根(值) Root Mean Square 均衡,自适应均衡 Equalization 均衡器 Equalizer ...
- 1
In the case of pickles, each is restored to an object that is equal to its original, but not identical. In other words, each pickle is a copy of the original object. 在pickle情形中,每个对象被恢复到一个与原来对象相等的对象,但不是同一个对象。 - 2
So, if each runnable task runs its sched_slice worth of time, it has spent sched_period time, and each task will have run an equal amount of time proportional to its weight. 因此,如果每个可运行任务运行与sched_slice等价的时间,那么将花费的时间为sched _ period,每个任务将运行与其权重成比例的时间量。 - 3
Moreover, man and nature are equal and harmonious to each other, because they depend on each other for mutual existence. 人与自然又是平等协调的,人的生存与自然的生存彼此关联,休戚与共;