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1 ?地板油 息 中文名: 地板油 英文名: Floor polish 危险品类别: 易燃液体 危险品项目: 高闪点液体 危险货物编号: 33647 设为首页 | 加入收藏 | 联系我们 | 网址加盟 | 2 ?用来擦地的蜡 ... [floor board]∶建筑物地面的表层,由木板或其它地面材料做成 [floor polish (wax)] 用来擦地的蜡 [weighbridge] 安置在地下,台面与路面齐平的磅枰。多设在仓库和车站。用来称量较大较重的东西 ...
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At a poky BTPN branch in Ciracas, on the southern rim of Jakarta, a dog-eared sign hangs on the door and the floor could use a polish. 在雅加达南部边境Ciracas,一个简陋的BTPN分行门上挂了一个卷了边的招牌,地板也需要打磨一下。 - 2
'I do more cleaning in the toilet than anywhere else in the house,' she says, 'every day I wash the floor; I polish everything. “比起房子里的其他地方,我在盥洗室作的清洁更多。”她说,“我每天拖地,擦洗所有的东西。” - 3
Poland has opposed the joint Russian-German NordStream project to build a natural gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea floor, thus bypassing Polish territory. 波兰已经拒绝了俄德两国提出的联合计划,该计划要在波罗的海海底铺设天然气管道,不用直接经过波兰土地。