释义 |
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能源科学技术 调驱 Nitrogen foam flooding eouht obviously improve water flooding efficiency,and increase recovery by 26% than that of water flooding. 氮气泡沫调驱能够较好地改善水驱效果,在水驱的基础上提高原油采收率达26%。 人工水驱
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计算机科学技术 洪泛 It can keep quick response time to flooding while it decreases redundant messages. 该算法维持了洪泛的优点,同时又降低多余消息的产生。 泛洪 It can resist Dos-style flooding attacks. 从而具备了对抗泛洪类拒绝服务攻击的能力。 满萤幕
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农业科学 淹水 The degree of the changes in Feox, Pox, P adsorption and P desorption by flooding depended on the contents of amorphousand total Fe oxides in non-flooded soils. 淹水后Feox和Pox含量,磷吸附和解吸量的变化取决于不淹水土壤中的无定性和总铁氧化物的含量。
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 泛洪 It can resist Dos-style flooding attacks. 从而具备了对抗泛洪类拒绝服务攻击的能力。 洪泛 The path between the source nodes and destination nodes is established by flooding broadcast in the routing discovery course of MAODV. MAODV的路由发现过程是通过洪泛式的广播方式来建立源节点和目的结点之间的路由。 淹没 In this model, transport of the two charged species– electrons and ions– as well as that of the chemical species is considered. The model also describes phenomena of liquid water flooding and water transport through membrane. 模型综合考虑了参与电化学反应的三个要素反应物质、电子、质子的传输过程和液态水的淹没以及膜内水传输现象。 泛滥
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生物学 水淹 The results indicated: With the elongation of the flooding durations,there were some differences in the spatial dynamic change on Phragmites communis population characters and the characteristics were mostly influenced by the environment. 结果表明: 随着水淹持续时间的延长,芦苇种群各特征的空间动态变化各不相同,受环境影响较大。 浸没 铺没;血崩
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The average amount of time between floodings wasn't actually 354 days. - 2
And then a few months later, in October, there were extensive floodings leading to the further destruction of rice harvests and a crisis situation in food distribution. 而几个月之后,在10月份,发生了大规模的洪水导致了对稻米收获的进一步破坏以及食品分配的危机状况。