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1 ?概括性 概括性的法律英语语言及其翻译方法-外语翻译-英语-八一学习网 关键词:法律语言;概括性; 翻译;等值 [gap=319]Key words: legal language; all-inclusiveness; translation; equivalence 2 ?一切 在奇迹中,你会体验到一种很深的接纳和容涵一切(all-inclusiveness)的感觉。很多时候人们会问:“在表相层面上,这一切会表现为何种形式呢? 3 ?全面包容 PDF/Adobe Acrobat - 的,他指出,杨格的 场只是看起 像是全面包容(all-inclusiveness),但事实..
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Situational wishes often seem to be granted, but the Grandest wish of All is forgiveness of illusions, reflecting the All-Inclusiveness of Love. 情景性的愿望似乎经常也能被满足,但是一切愿望中最宏大的愿望是宽恕幻相,反映出爱容涵一切的本性。 - 2
If all civilizations can uphold inclusiveness, the so-called "clash of civilizations" will be out of the question and the harmony of civilizations will become reality. 只要秉持包容精神,就不存在什么“文明冲突”,就可以实现文明和谐。 - 3
Such tone framework expands scrutable of picture once and for all and releases connotation and inclusiveness of photography reading. 这样的影调架构一下子扩大了画面内容的可解读空间,引导影像的阅读更具内涵与张力。