释义 |
1 ?文件馈送器 ... file extended control block 文件扩充控制分程序 file feed 文件馈送器 file finishing 锉光 ... 2 [计]?文件馈送 ... 文件块表 file block table 文件馈送 file feed 文件扩充控制分程序 file extended control block ...
- 1
To add a new photo, simply POST the image file to the album feed URL, together with the associated metadata, as a MIME-encoded block. 要添加新照片,只需以一个MIME编码的块向此相册提要URL POST这个图像文件以及相关的元数据。 - 2
In a typical use of Atom, content providers syndicate a file, or a Web feed, and make it available over the Web. 在Atom的典型应用中,内容提供者一般会连锁一个文件或一个web提要,并让其在Web上可用。 - 3
Instead, take the output file (output.xml), and feed it to the round-tripper as the input file. 相反,这次把输出文件(out put . xml)提供给往返程序作为输入文件。