释义 |
- n.费尔(伊拉克的钱币)
- n.(Fil)人名;(土、法、阿塞、土库、哈萨)菲尔
1 ?词根儿子 专家献计:八大变态GRE难词的破解答疑 ... affiliate e (使...)加入,接受为会员,使隶属于 fil-词根:儿子,从属 贴 fil儿子(fil=fall-下落) ) ... 2 ?子女的 带音标完美打印!2011考研刘一男5500词汇讲义 ... com/con——共同 fil-词根:儿子 (on)影响,感化;势力, ...
短语 - 1
FIL未冲洗的胶片 ; 裂缝识别测井 ; 颜思诗 ; 子孙 - 2
- 3
- 1
Du Du was in his usual spot: the middle of Borgela and Sans-Fil Streets, a hilly hairpin intersection between downtown and the airport. 杜杜正在他常去的地方:博吉拉和桑菲尔街的中间,位于市中心和机场之间的丘陵发夹带的交叉口。 - 2
He arrived at Sans Fil (home for the dying) gaunt, febrile and coughing from tuberculosis. 他来到萨斯·菲尔(濒死者之家),瘦骨嶙峋,高烧不退,肺结核使他不停地咳嗽。 - 3
We struggled through a few questions and answers. I heard her repeat the phrase "mon fil" several times, which my dictionary defined as, "my son." 我们很费力地问了对方几个问题,我听她重复几次地提到“mon fil”,查了字典才知道是“我儿子”的意思。