释义 |
1 [解剖]?弹性动脉 III,大动脉 (Large artery ),又称弹性动脉 (Elastic artery),位于心脏 附近。 2 ?锟斤拷锟皆讹拷锟斤拷 ... ectopic kidney 锟斤拷位锟斤拷? elastic artery 锟斤拷锟皆讹拷锟斤拷? elastic cartilage 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 ...
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An elastic tubular channel, such as an artery, a vein, or a capillary, through which the blood circulates. 一种有弹性的管道,例如动脉、血管或毛细管,血液通过它们进行循环。 - 2
Conclusions Artery elastic function in persons with high-normal blood pressure decreased and negatively correlated with BP. 结论正常高值血压人群的动脉弹性功能下降,与血压水平呈负相关,随着血压的升高而降低。 - 3
A damaged artery wall is more susceptible to developing plaques, which are raised patches on the normally thin and elastic inner wall of the artery. 破损的动脉墙更容易感染多发性齿菌斑,它会在薄并富有弹性的动脉墙内部产生多片。