释义 |
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If the sort will fit in memory, it will be very fast; otherwise, it overflows to disk and will be much slower. 如果排序可在内存中进行,它将非常快;否则,它会溢出到磁盘,而且慢得多。 - 2
These small, fast instruments will be able to measure from afar, or fit neatly into a small rack. 这些小巧快速的设备将能够从远处测量,或巧妙地整合到一个小架子上。 - 3
Keep Match Fit – Exercise your writing muscles, the more your practice the more you improve. Comments should be short, fast, to the point and make an impact. 保持身手——锻炼你的写作肌肉,练得越多提高越多.评论应该短小精悍、一针见血、振聋发聩.写评论是锻炼写作技巧的绝佳方式.