BIOS中英文对照表-计算机基础知识-岳阳临港新区... ... Remote Wake Up 远程唤醒:该选项设置为"ON"时,若网卡或有远程唤醒功能的调制解调器收到唤醒信号时,系统将被唤醒。该选项设置为"On w/Boot to NIC 时",系统启动时首先尝试网络启动。 Fast Boot 快速启动:该选项在操作系统请求精简启动时系统启动的速度。 System Event Log 系统事件日志 ...
Fast Boot 该选项在操作系统请求精简启动时系统启动的速度 ; 快速启动 ; 快速开机 ; 该选项在操作系统恳求精简启动时系统启动的速度 fast fashion 快速时尚 ; 快时尚 ; 快速流行 ; 快速当时的风尚 Fas...
“过3个月你们再来,这里的安置工作会更好;过3年,再来,一个新的汶川会拔地而起。” ... Remote Wake Up 远程唤醒:该选项设置为"ON"时,若网卡或有远程唤醒功能的调制解调器收到唤醒信号时,系统将被唤醒。该选项设置为"On w/Boot to NIC 时",系统启动时首先尝试网络启动。 Fast Boot 快速启动:该选项在*作系统请求精简启动时系统启动的速度。 IDE Hard Drive Acoustics Mode IDE硬盘声音模式 ...
The kernel boot process is fairly complicated but very fast, as most of the code is written in the system's machine language.
That would potentially enable computer makers to build machines that boot up almost instantly, as the information needed to start up the machine could be stored in fast memory, said Dr Franzon.
Now the destination is the vast world of the Web, and the computer industry says the fast-boot systems cater to an information-addicted society that is agitated by even a moment of downtime.