释义 |
- 明确成本:指企业在生产过程中直接支付的货币支出,包括购买原材料、支付工资、租金等。
1 ?显成本 显成本(explicit costs)是指账目上所包括的厂商的正常费用,诸如工资成本和原材料支付。 2 ?显性成本 支出不如显成本明显,因而被称为隐成本 会计学重视显性成本(Explicit costs)即实际支付的成本,如 反应在财务报表中的企业工资,原材料等支付。 3 ?显本钱 ... 完全音信的预期价值(Expected vingue of perfect inform) 显本钱(Explicit costs) 外部不经济(Externing diseconomy) ... 4 ?外显成本 ...学所称的成本(cost) 也称经济成本(economic cost),它与 一般会计成本同之处:在于机会成本 包括外显成本(explicit costs)与隠 藏成本(implicit costs)。 外显成本(会计成本):指厂商实际付 与个人或其他厂商的成本包括工资、地 租、息等。
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Look beneath, though, and the whole energy sector is riddled with subsidies, both explicit and hidden, and costs that are not properly accounted for. 但是,深入地看来,整个能源部门玩弄的就是津贴,有透明的,也有隐晦的,还有不正规入帐的成本。 - 2
The Clinton plan is, however, more explicit about affordability, promising to limit insurance costs as a percentage of family income. And it also seems to include more funds for subsidies. 希拉里的计划更明确提出保费支出要限制在家庭收入的一定比例内,并可能筹措资金补贴他们。 - 3
Along with general managerial principles — plan, make things explicit, compare costs and benefits — deployment involves several specific ideas that you'll want to learn. 除一般的管理原则—计划、使事情明晰、对比成本和收益—之外,部署还涉及几个您要学习的特定观念。