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电子杂志 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
With the advancement of technology, as well as the improvement of publication, E-journal is likely to replace the plane journal, as the essential aspect of magazine reading. 随着技术的进步和办刊水平的提高,电子杂志将取代目前的平面杂志成为人们杂志阅读的主流。 - 2
It works well for readily available sites like search engines, online bookstores, and even many library catalogs, but secured e-journal databases need federated search to be installed. 它在像搜索引擎,在线书店甚至图书馆目录等搜索中工作良好,但是那些有保护的电子期刊数据库则需要安装联邦检索。 - 3
Many e-journal database vendors, including EBSCO and ProQuest, have ways to pass a query to a single URL. 许多电子期刊数据库商,包括EBSCO和ProQuest,有多种方法传递一个查询到一个单独的URL。