释义 |
企业自由 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
From this, you can see how nicely elastic software and elastic hardware (that is, virtualization and cloud deployments) can dovetail to provide a new level of freedom to enterprise solutions. 这样,您可以看到弹性软件和弹性硬件(也就是虚拟化和云部署)可以相辅相成,共同为企业解决方案提供更高层次的自由度。 - 2
RALPH HARRIS: the institute started in 1957, you could say the direct result of the Mont Pelerin Society, of the Road to Serfdom, of Hayek's ideas of freedom and competitive enterprise. 拉尔夫·哈里斯:研究所创建于1957年,可以说是朝圣山学社、《通往奴役的道路》以及哈耶克关于自由和竞争企业的思想的直接产物。 - 3
Four is the defendant occupation to free occupation, such as individual industrial and commercial businesses, private enterprise advocate freedom of occupation. 四是被告人职业以自由职业为主,如个体工商户、私营企业主等自由职业者。