Pieter Mulder, the leader of an opposition group called FreedomFront Plus, recently remarked: “We do not know each other and do not debate with each other.”
反对团体自由前线联盟(Freedom Front Plus)的领导人穆尔德(Pieter Mulder)最近说:“我们互不了解,也互不争论。”
Pieter Mulder, the leader of an opposition group called FreedomFront Plus, recently remarked: "We do not know each other and do not debate with each other."
反对团体自由前线联盟(Freedom Front Plus)的领导人穆尔德(Pieter Mulder)最近说:“我们互不了解,也互不争论。”
I wish I could urge you to visit Juliano in Jenin, but he was assassinated in front of the Freedom Theatre by a Palestinian gunman on 4 April.