释义 |
- v.使疲惫不堪,使筋疲力尽:使某人感到极度疲劳或精疲力竭。
1 ?磨破 ... 磨破 = frazzles 磨破 = frazzling 磨破的 = frazzled ...
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It rewarded patience and precision, mistiming your flip to plant Mario upside-down on the ceiling resulted in a frazzling zap. 耐心和精益求精会得到回报,如果计算错时间把马里奥倒置在天花板上,会导致溃败。 - 2
Of course, the vast majority of the energy is in the storm itself—hurricanes, for example, have the heat energy of 10, 000 nuclear bombs. Capturing that energy might prove frazzling. - 3
Add to this the usual routine of frazzling it with hairdryers, heated tongs and rollers, applying harsh chemical styling treatments, bleaches and colourants etc – what do you end up with? 再者日常用吹风机、直发夹和卷发棒损伤头发,使用刺激的化学造型产品,漂白剂和染色剂等等——最终你的头发会怎样?