释义 |
- 伪造文件:指通过伪造、篡改等手段制作的虚假文件,用于欺骗他人或达到非法目的。
1 [审计]?欺骗性单据 ... 欺骗性陈述 fraudulent misrepresentation 欺骗性单据 fraudulent documents 欺骗性优先权 fraudulent preference ...
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Using fraudulent documents, the charges said, the spies would “assume identities as citizens or legal residents of the countries to which they are deployed, including the United States. 这些间谍使用伪造的文件,他们在包括美国的其他国家中,伪装成为本国国民或者是其他合法居住者的身份以开展活动。 - 2
Using fraudulent documents, the charges said, the spies would "assume identities as citizens or legal residents of the countries to which they are deployed, including the United States." 这些间谍使用伪造的文件,他们在包括美国的其他国家中,伪装成为本国国民或者是其他合法居住者的身份以开展活动。 - 3
If you provide false or fraudulent documents with your student visa application, lie or withhold information, you will be refused and may be banned from making further applications for up to 10 years. 你如果在学生签证申请中提交虚假材料,欺骗或隐瞒信息,你会被拒签,并有可能在10年内不能获得英国签证。