释义 |
- 对抗方:在对抗性法律制度下,对抗方是诉讼中的对立方。一般来说,对抗方是寻求判决的一方或者“有兴趣维持判决或裁决的一方”。例如,被告的对抗方是原告。
1 [法]?他方当事人 他方当事人(adverse party), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?敌方 ... adverse distinction 不利区别 adverse party 敌方 advisory opinion 咨询意见 ...
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However, when SOAP is used, nothing prevents an adverse party from connecting to the remote search server (to the SOAP port), and requesting unfiltered results. 然而在使用SOAP时,无法防止敌对方连接到远程搜索服务器(到soap端口)并请求未经筛选的结果。 - 2
From the perspective of the accused respondent, this sort of consultation is likely to seem just as unfair as any other exparte communication by an adverse party . 从遭受指控的被告的角度讲,此类磋商看起来和敌对当事人的任何其他单方面接触一样的不公正。 - 3
Client hereby authorizes A&P Law Firm to provide all information, including contracts, and any related legal documents needed to the attorney for the adverse party. 据此,委托人授权律师事务所向对方保险公司或律师提供相关所有信息,以及所需法律文件。