These opera titles and involved preludes and epigraphs will help us research the drama creation, criticism, and loyalists culture in the early Qing Dynasty in more detail.
While delved into the ancient Chinese classical works, T'ing became intrigued by the ancient imperial seals and oracle-bone inscriptions, bronze epigraphs and seal calligraphy.
All the sections of the first book are prefaced with statistics on crimes against women. The epigraphs in the third book all have to do with female warriors—the Amazons, and so on.
拉赫松一开始将三部曲定名为《痛恨女性的男人们》(Men Who Hate Women)(首部曲的瑞典版依然保留着该书名,葛丁表示这是拉赫松一再坚持的结果),且首部曲每个章节的开头都以针对女性犯罪的统计资料作为序言,出现在第三本书中的碑文也与亚马逊女战士有关,等等线索不一而足。