释义 |
- 与时俱进:指适应时代的发展,跟随时代的潮流,不断进步和改进。
- 1
The label "unconventional" is used not to exculpate Swinburne from the charge of immorality but to show that he is incompatible with but may be in advance of his times. 使用“非正统”一词,不是为史文朋开脱罪名,而是意在指出他不合于但可能先进于他所处的时代。 - 2
If we can't keep up with the advance of The Times, we will fall behind. - 3
Most of the type 1 diabetic patients with DN will die of cardiovascular diseases in advance, the danger of whose is 20 - 40 times as much as those without. 而且大部分合并DN的1型糖尿病患者多提前死于心血管疾病,其危险性比未合并者高20~40倍。