... 所属州: NJ 名字: Farooqi 姓: R ...
... 法鲁赫 farokh 法鲁基 farooqi; faruki; faruqui 法鲁吉 faroughy ...
法鲁奇 ; 剑桥大学的法鲁奇
At least 28 people were killed and 50 others were wounded, said a top government official, Taha Farooqi.
NPR: Bomb Kills 28, Wounds Dozens In Southern Pakistan
"I'm actually from Canada and just missed my flight home to be here, " said another London customer, Mohammed Farooqi, a 19-year-old student.
CNN: iPhone 5: The wait is over
Also in Karachi, gunmen riding on a motorcycle shot to death a Shiite professor, Sibt-e-Jafar, on Monday, said police officer Amir Farooqi.
NPR: Pakistani Militants Attack Court Complex; 3 Dead