释义 |
佛, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
XML technology allows, using XSL-FO, the page layout of published material to be described. XML技术允许使用XSL - FO描述发布材料的页面布局。 - 2
In this article I described XSL-FO, the specialized XML vocabulary that can be used to create XML documents with formatting information included. 我在本文中描述了XSL - FO,这种可以用来创建包含格式化信息的XML文档的专门xml词汇表。 - 3
In XSL-FO, the font-family property is a prioritized list of font family names, which are attempted in sequence to find an available font that matches the selection criteria (shown in Listing 1). 在XSL - fo中,font - family属性是按优先顺序排列的字体族名列表,可以试着按照顺序寻找符合选择条件的可用字体(如清单1所示)。