我们注意到:ETABS6.1 中,只有有效质量系数(effective mass ratio)的概念, 而到了ETABS7.0 以后,则出现了振型质量参与系数 (modal participating mass ratio),可见,振型参与质量系数是有效质...
The invention relates to an acaricide composition and the effective ingredient of the acaricide composition comprises tebufenpyrad and fenbutatin oxide in a massratio of 50:1 to 1:80.
Through model tests, it has been found that the effectivemass coefficient for the soil is around 0.2 for artificial islands with height-to-diameter ratio being smaller than 1/3.
For example saturation density, bulk binding energy, symmetry energy coefficient, incompressibility, and the ratio of effective nucleon mass to free nucleon mass at the saturation density.