... 串联 1.(为共同行动进行联系) establish ties with; establish relation with; make contacts with; link up; establish; contact:土改后, 他们串联了几户农民组织起了一个生产互助组。after land reform, they linked up several farmers and organized an agriculture mutual-aid team.2.[电工] (串连) series connection; series; connect in series; concatenation; cascade; in-line; install in series; series arrangement; tandem compound; tandem connection 同... 串联 in tandem with .. 并联运行同步发电机中的有效横流 effective cross current 运行 move; be in motion; run; working; machine run; operation; corotation; propulsion (影片) 在轨道上运行 move in orbit; 列车运行时, 请勿打开车门。 don't open the door while the train is in motion ...