释义 |
1 ?长官 权取决于五长官(Ephors ),在雅典则取决于父亲。父亲在家庭中居
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Now, another thing about the ephors is that they're very different. - 2
So, ifthe ephors wanted to do something, it would be damn foolish not to clear itwith the gerousia first; although if they wished to be reckless, they could dootherwise. 因此,监督官如果想做点什么事情,他们没有首先清楚地告知长老会议,那他们肯定就傻到家了;当然,如果他们愿意不计后果,那么他们可以这样做。 - 3
So, you mustthink of them, not as distinguished people who have some clout in their ownperson, but ordinary people who only achieve what clout they're going to haveby virtue of being chosen as ephors. 因此,你也肯定认为他们不像卓越的人一样在自己的人们中间有强大的影响力,但是普通人只要能够达到可以被选为监督官的道德水准就可以了。