释义 |
1 ?无中生有 谢谢二元对立论存在于“无中生有”(ex nihilo)的理论之中,其根源在于决定世界的秩序和本质意义的力量在根本上是非决定的、无条件的。 2 ?空岛辅助 ...界空岛ex整合包图片_我的世界普伦达介绍的那个极限空岛整合包,这台电脑能玩吗 右键土方块以获得菌丝 我的世界Ex nihilo(空岛辅助)的自动筛子怎么加速 可以使用能源炉对着它,或者使用能量单元对着它,注意要把能量输出那边对着自动筛子的边,上或者下都不行,楼下不...
- 1
At the heart of the unease about these earliest works of literature were two fundamental questions: first, how could Greek literature have been born ex nihilo with two masterpieces? 对于这些早期文学作品的不安,其核心是两个基本问题:首先,希腊文学的两部杰作是如何横空出世的? - 2
We were charged to accomplish complementary works, end exhibition and diverse activity rooms, parallely to the construction of a building created ex nihilo, on the front of the lot. 我们被邀请完成配套工程、 展览收尾工程和营造各种活动室,相当于我们重新创造设计一些新的工程。 - 3
The?event?itself?may?be?seen as?either?ex?nihilo?or order?from?preexisting?chaos. 事件本身可以被看作要么不可得的虚无要么来自现有混沌的法则。
1From Latin ex ?(“from”) + nihilo ?(“nothing”) FROM: wiktionary 2来自拉丁语ex("from") + nihilo("nothing") |