拥备受赞誉移动Exmor R(影像传感器)即使低光照条件下拍照和摄像也可显示绝佳效果;
...i百科上关于IMX377的性能指标 笔者附:Chipworks在这里犯了一个错误,那就是他们简单地认为积层式(Exmor?RS)比背照式(Exmor?R)更先进,但其实并非如此,积层式的设计是将周边电路板安置在光电传感器的下方,借此节省传感器所处平面的面积,以便在相同面积...
后置1200万像素摄像头(Exmor R)拍摄能力不容小觑,更加进了1080p视频直播录制支持。
2009年8月,索尼公司发布的WX1和TX1,搭载了被称为『Exmor R』的背照式CMOS。
背照式感光元件 ; 背照式CMOS ; 传感器 ; 背照式
影像传感器 ; 背照式 ; 背照式感光元件 ; 摄像头
堆栈式 ; 摄像头 ; 积层式 ; 传感器
Video chats are more rewarding with the built-in 'Exmor for PC' HD web camera.
ENGADGET: Sony announces its first Ultrabooks, the VAIO T13 and T11, for the European market
The secondary, front-facing camera, meanwhile, has a 2-megapixel iteration of Sony's Exmor R sensor.
ENGADGET: Sony Xperia Z: hands-on with the new flagship at CES 2013 (video)
The built-in web camera powered by an "Exmor" sensor also allows for great low-light performance.
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