释义 |
- 选举后调查:在选民离开投票地点时进行的民意调查,通常由新闻媒体进行,用于预测胜者。
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One exit poll of 7,500 voters gave him 42% support, Ms Megawati 13.4%, Mr Prabowo 5.7% and the rest even less. 一项有7500位选民参加的出口民调显示苏西洛的支持率高达42%,而支持梅加瓦蒂夫人和Prabowo先生的人分别只占13.4%和5.7%,至于其他候选人支持率就更低了。 - 2
The press has scoured every exit poll for the latest evidence of racial polarization, not just in terms of white and black, but black and brown as well. 新闻界不放过任何一个选后民调,想发现种族极化的最新证据,而且不仅是在黑人和白人之间,还包括黑人和其它肤色的人群之间。 - 3
An exit poll by the National Council for Election Observation, a local watchdog which deployed 5,500 monitors, found that Mrs Manigat and Mr Martelly were easily the two top vote-getters. 全国选举监督理事会(一地方选举监督人,曾派遣5500名监察员监督选举)所做的选举投票后民意测验表明Manigat女士and Martelly先生很轻松成为得票最高的两位候选人。