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排气悬挂 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Based on the test result, the suspension location of the exhaust pipe is modified, thus floor vibration is greatly improved. 根据试验的结果,对原排气管的悬置位置进行了调整,从而使车身地板的振动得到了明显改善。 - 2
The application results show that laser welding can meet higher strength stress demands for those fatigue load parts, such as intake and exhaust valves, timing gear, suspension equipment. 应用结果表明:对于进排气门、正时齿轮和悬架装置等承担疲劳载荷的零部件,激光焊接可满足其较高的强度要求; - 3
The main products are: the original car upgrades, intake and exhaust modifications, surrounded suspension, brake conversion, carbon fiber products retrofits. 主要产品有:原车升级件,进气,排气改装,包围,悬挂,刹车改装,碳纤产品改装等。