释义 |
1 [环境]?环境要素 通过多年的研究,杜恩主要揭示了五种类型的学习风格要素:环境要素(environmental element),主要包括对学习环境安静或热闹的偏爱,对光线强弱的偏爱,对温度高低的偏爱以及对坐姿的偏爱;情感要素(emotional eleme本论文由无...
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As a specific environmental element, bamboo forest poses a transcendent, tranquil and inactive atmosphere, the ideal place where hermits have chosen to stay. 作为一种具体环境构成元素,竹林可以形成一种超凡脱俗、淡泊虚静、清静无为的氛围,历来是古今隐士藏踪匿迹、耕云钓月的场所。 - 2
The modern architecture in Shanghai is produced by the modern society and thus becomes the environmental element to create the modern culture and concept in Shanghai. 上海近代建筑是上海近代社会的产物,也是形成上海近代文化和人们的观念形态的环境要素。 - 3
Friday's deal 'has somewhat of a market-stabilizing element,' said Ben Feldman, an executive director in J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.'s environmental markets group. 摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)环境市场执行董事费尔德曼(Ben Feldman)说,周五的协议有一定的市场稳定因素。