The invention discloses a high permeability baker's yeast for detecting environmentalcarcinogen and method for making the same which relates to baker's yeast and the reforming of descendiblity gene.
本发明公开了一种可用于检测环境致癌物的高通透性面包酵母 及其制备方法,涉及面包酵母及遗传基因改造。
In the study by the Environmental Working Group, 31 out of 35 cities showed various levels of Chromium-6, considered a carcinogen, in drinking water.
环保工作团的研究显示,接受调查的35个城市,有31个在饮水中含有不同程度的铬- 6致癌金属。
In 1987, the us Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure (1).